September 24, 2021

Product of the Month


September 2021

Tangelo / Tānero

New Zealand Tangelo season commences late September, these juicy citrus bursting bad boys are only available for a few months - so "get amongst it"!


Tangelos are available from September through to December

Storage and Handling

Store at room temperature.  Handle all fresh produce with care and wash before eating.


Tangelos are a citrus fruit hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit. The Seminole variety of tangelos, introduced to New Zealand in the 1950's, are a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit.


> Tangelos are juicy and sweet, have few pips and are easy to peel

> Tangelos are a good source of Vitamin C

> Tangelo blossoms are beautifully perfumed

Growing Facts

> Tangelos grow well in a sheltered position that gets plenty of sunlight

> Like all citrus trees they prefer well-drained soil and lots of water

> 95% of New Zealand tangelos are grown in the Gisborne area

> Ripe tangelos have a dark orange colour, which is nearly red